Worst day of this year
Some days life seem to be so slow abd boring and others just ain't a pretty sight today was one of those days.i had hell thewhole day moving from place to place first in the morning went to temple for some prayers then left around 2pm to meet some of my gals at plaza sing to have lunch lucky they eat kinda cheap food if not i sure die coz i had no more money left already.we were supposed to catch a movie before of class but couldn't coz of the timing for the movie we decided to skip the movie and heard straight to class. Class ened around 3.45pm cabed to parkway to meet danny and bird to go sell nigel's bike and u know something nigel bought that bike for like less than 3 weeks then he wants to sell it off coz he needs to pay bird back its like wth rite...anyway after that i went to meet my dudes then went to play lan....any u know i lost my freaking wallet at the lan shop yea i know how dumb but i the good thing was that there was nothing inside beside my IC that is imporant and there was plus there was only 4 bucks but aiya im just dam fucked up abt the whole thing la...i was also suppoed to watch a movie but in the end my friends cancelled it coz i have no idea la plan my whole day then screwed up everything nvm shit happens rite
2morrow going to watch Mr Bean with my bros and hopemy friends can go erm.. dam tired now gtg now so cya