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HELLO!! I'm sorry for being MIA for so so long but I'm back!...i was finding myself for quite some time thats y i didn't blog but now that I've found my new self i can start blogging again hahah...
OK i will start blogging officially from Tomorrow coz now i want to go sleep :p
ta ta guys~
Aiya everywhere we go there seems to be fights happening wth nvm abt that la...Today woke up and went for soccer at 9am till like 1pm+..i played not bad scored 4 goals 2 were like super like one was a outside foot to the side and one a volleyfrom the half court hahha sounds like action rite but i dun care la i just wanted to let it out..hahah after that went to have lunch at the near by footcourt....played pool with Mark, Jasper, Guang,Firdaus and of coz myself just came back and since i have nthing better to do ar i shall name some of my friends and the way players that kinda match their style of of play erm.. here it goes
Mark - Vidic
Danny - Park Ji Sung
Guang - Gattuso
OP - Gigges
Varun - Evra
Muhsin - Saha
Jasper - Fletcher
Sam -Rooney
Adrian - Ferdinand
Daniel Guo - Carrick
Nick - Alan Smith
Firdaus - Kuszczak
Nigel - Richardson
Tom - Fangzhuo Dong
Ravin - Vieira
Guys i'm sorry that if u dun like it but this is wad i think of u guys la so hope u like it
OOH yea i was watching soccer la and after watching how man played ar it got me thinking la A football team is like a piano..You need eight men to carry it and three who can play the dam thing...Anyone who's seen Arsenal play recently will have witnessed the consequences of getting those numbers the Wong way round.Patience is limited commodity in football.And Only Liverpool fans appear to have it, unflinchingly putting up with periods of ugly, uninspiring football,but yet never doubting their manager.While Some Man u fans doubt Ferguson and they dun believe that he's the right person to help the club get all the three cups but wait and see im always on his side coz he been doing wadever is needed to make man u win every match they play so i shall wait for the season to end and see wad happens so again TATA~
The Godfather is back from a super duper day out with my buddies.My Morning was a the worst i had in a long time coz my dad nice give me money to go buy clothes la but wen i wanted to ask him extra money to kinda payback my friend he blow up and started saying crap la wah then he took all the money in my wallet so i was like left with only $10 which i hid in my wallet.Met Mark, Nigel, Danny and Daniel guo Below my place i was like dam broke la but lucky my aunt my aunt gave me some cash la if not i sure die wan la but nvm that back to the story..My friends and I took 36 and u know something we had like no idea where we were going but all we wanted to do was watch Wild Hogs,lucky we called and checked everything..And guess wad wen we went there we saw the people that me and my friends wanted to see for like kinda long time it was the ARMY BOYS FROM MPFC hahha its been like almost a month since we last saw them and the best thing is that we were all going to watch the same movie and after that we went to have our dinner at kfc then caught the bus back to parkway then went to play pool for like an hour plus coz we were waiting for Najip and u know wad we Nearly fought with some xialan fuckers outside MacDonald's at Parkway cause they were very very xialan.Lucky Danny, Nigel and Mark controlled their temper la coz their like some small CCBs and hitting them is lowering my own morale la .But they really Deserve to get walloped la.We met up with Najip at mac cafe hang out till like 10pm then left home la since then till now been talking to love~ ahaha Dam tired already la gtg catch some shut eye if not sue die la 2morrow playing soccer with the Mpfc dudes at like 9am which is like abt 5+ hours from now la nvm i shall stop blogging and leave u with some pics that we guys took through out the day and dun mind the HOT TAMIL GIRL"S PHOTO AR SHES JUST DAM HOT LA OK SO I SHALL PUT FOR FUN HAHAHAH OK ENJOY GUYS!!!
wow the holidays gone so fast...but its a good thing coz I've been lazying around too much already la erm.. too tired to blog coz since my school has stared already and I've like no time.Even though theres been no time to blog I've still had to hang with my buddies.last Friday me and mark 'ended school early' to hang out la so i was supposed to meet mark at tp busstop at 3.30pm but mark came out early and and i was stuck doing some shit for my care person but still after that i met him at parkway timo and Marcus joined us la so went went to play pool and ended up meeting Nigel and bird there...we playe like till 7 i think then Marcus was like hungry so we headed to parkway to have over dinner..after that Calvin joined us i left them coz i was going out to play soccer with balan and gang lol....Then came Monday the first day of school which was kinda fun meet alot of new friends and yea my course got alot of hot hot gals la tsk tsk i pity Shawn he's class not no hot gal nvm next year hope for the best ha ha and the next day i had no school so i stayed at home and slept till like 3 and the rest of this week is like go school come back do some work then go down play soccer then go home shower go down meet friends to either eat dinner or hang out..i know i know my life like robot but wad to do poly student wad and guess wad after a long time of not playing soccer wen i went down on yesterday to play i played like shit man dun know wad to do with the ball wah die la nvm must start to train again later in the afternoon going out with balan and gang to qeensway to check out boots and stuff....wah its like 2am now and i have school in like 6 hours time and i like need to sleep now so i shall just leave u guys with some pics from the past weeks and stuff..hang lose ~
What's Up?! its like mother long since i really blogged la coz its really been a buzy week la going out till late in the night and playing soccer like mad and really mean mad coz on wed i went to play soccer with balan, sunder, jpraskash and siva's cousin.met them quite early around 11 plus and played till 4pm then we went to do & me for lunch.After lunch all of us left for over homes since prakash had nthing to do so he followed me to the busstop and just who i saw at the busstop yes serena! and as u all know the rest is history...ahahhah...that same night ar i went to job with me buddies danny and bird my jogging kaies lol
The Cage on thusday was cazy coz we had like only 12 ppl who came and we nomarlly play 5v5 so it was abit weid since we were playing 4v4 but it was dam fun la i have to say the whole day was filled with super passing....crazy tricks..insane style and shots wah i never knew i could play like that.Created 5 super chances and even manged to score one goal which was not bad la...end of the day we went to parkway to eat and play pool and And there is something I have to say. I will miss Bryan's nonsense once he goes for NS.
~One day I wrote her name upon the strand~
One day I wrote her name upon the strand,
But came the waves and washed it away
Again I wrote it with a second hand,
But came the tide, and made my pains his prey.
Vain man, said she, that dost in vain assay
A mortal thing so to immortalize
For I myself shall like to this decay,
And eek my name be wiped out likewise.
Not so, let baser things devise
To die in dust, but you shall live by fame
My verse your virtues rare shall eternize,
And in the heavens write your glorious name
Where, whenas death shall all the world subdue,
Our love shall live, and later life renew
u know how i've been telling that my hair is dam long and is like going to cover my ears la...so wen danny called me to go cut hair i was like ok wad time its like now or never coz i'm a lazy bum la haha. so left to cut my hair at 4.30 u only finished at 5.30pm like wth rite wen i told my mum that i went to cut my hair for one hour she's like u grow bush izzt lol thats not the best part la its that the guy who cut my hair was the guy who cut like sit for varun la wen i saw him i was like sure die la and true enough my hair was like some cock la lucky i manged to do some shit to my hair and atleast make it look some wad of a hair style hiaz.....
guess wad im doing now...i have like 4 friends over at my house playing ps2 and thier like only going back in the morining 5.30am insane ar but wad to do my friends going to army soon so we kinda enjoying life with him till he's 'gone in' any guys gtg now i'll put up the pics later from cage so till then tata guys
Can't wait for the LTA to call me and tell me that i can go do my driving test wooo!
Football is life for us...thats y my friends and i went to the cage at 3pm yesterday which was quite fun but i played like shit firstly coz i was still dam sick la anyways cabed back to parkway with Adrian, Guang, Brayan and myself of coz.....And my n73 is spoilt again like wtf ar it's the 3rd time this month fuck nokia la everyime say they fixed it and it spoils again this time its war nokia watch out man...ayia blogged for like one week any im alrdy lazy to blog la haha nvm maybe it takes time